Student Support
Class Assistance
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Automatic_NotificationCourse Completion - State Notification

When you have completed your course material and submitted your exams, your exam will be graded on-line and a Certificate of Completion immediately provided.  Print out the certificate, it means that you have successfully passed the course.  After that, your work is done!  We report directly to the Virginia Department Of Professional And Occupational Regulation on your behalf.

Please allow 7-10 days for the report to make it all the way through our system as well as Virginia’s DPOR's process.  Waiting until the last minute may not allow enough time to process and you may have to show proof of course completion to DPOR to prevent a lapse in licensure.

Completion_EmailCourse Completion - Certificate

We will notify you by e-mail of your completion status and confirmation that Virginia DPOR has been notified.  In this e-mail will be additional relevant information about your student status.

We recommend that you print out your Certificate of Completion and submit a copy for your own records and a second copy to send along with your license renewal application that you must submit to the state of Virginia.

Taking this course is only a prerequisite for your tradesman license and does not start the process to renew it!

We invite you to review our additional Frequently Asked Questions below for additional information.  Please feel free to Contact Us if you need any additional information. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Presentation will not load, freezes, blank screens.

    FAQ #1. Presentation will not load, freezes, blank screens.

    Answer: This error occurs if there is a communication timeout between your computer and our server.  You will need to delete your temporary internet files.  After, you will be required to restart your computer.

  • Difficulty with AOL, MSN, Netscape, and Opera
  • I’ve received my Student ID Code. Where do I use it?
  • Break Time, how do I take breaks
  • How Long Do I Have to Complete the Course?
  • Is there a Time Limit on the Course?
  • Do I need to purchase any materials for the course?
  • I have to take three different courses. Do I need to take them all at once, or can I take them one at a time?
  • How do I finish the course?